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Vacation Home for Rats

A shapely luxury home for temporarily homeless rodents
Author: Esther Schmid, Aargau, Switzerland, [email protected]
Online since: 15/07/2008, Number of visits: 317195
This vacation home for rats can be assembled in 5 minutes, is very easy to clean (thanks to acrylic glass walls) and look pretty darn good too! The trick to the whole thing is naturally that you don't need any tools to assemble or disassemble it because the whole construction is held together using your super magnets, hidden in small wooden pieces. Copyright belongs to me, of course. ;-)
In detail:
The acrylic glass walls are attached to the supporting beams using magnetic wooden blocks. I drilled holes into the wooden blocks and glued a block magnet of the type Q-15-15-08-N in each hole. For the vertical supporting beams it is sufficient to use the smaller Q-19-13-06-N. The more magnets you counter-sink into the beams and into the wooden blocks, the more stable the whole construction will be.
The magnets were counter-sunk into the wooden blocks for security reasons: The nickel they contain could be poisonous to rats, since they will gnaw on just about anything they can!
For the mounting of the floor I used iron hardware fixtures, which I attached using Q-40-10-05-N block magnets. I'd be more clever today - rather than using hardware fixtures for the floor, it would be better to also use counter-sunk magnets. A Q-15-15-08-N block magnet would be sufficient for that purpose.
Furnished vacation home
Furnished vacation home
Here I removed the left Plexiglas plate, so you can see the  blocks in the supporting beams.
Here I removed the left Plexiglas plate, so you can see the Q-19-13-06-N blocks in the supporting beams.
And these two furry noses had the honor of inaugurating the new building. They quickly felt at home! Ah, but unfortunately holiday rats don't stay forever...
... and it's always a little sad for me when the holiday home is empty. But since I'm quite allergic to the cute little critters, this is the best comprise possible. In this way my body can recover before new guests arrive.
And thanks to my ingenious construction (yes, I know, self-praise doesn't smell good, but who cares!), I can break down and store away the vacation home in no time and using hardly any space until the next guests arrive.

Addendum: My vacation rats are allowed to take over practically the whole flat when I let them out in the evening. That's why I have to make sure that they can't nibble on the lead weights in my curtains - something they love to do. I use two small S-04-1.5-N disc magnets (one for the front and one for the back) to hang them up higher from the floor. That has the nice side effect that it looks good too and I've been asked before where I got this special curtain :-).

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